Global market of nuclear technologies
Promising markets
Promising nuclear energy technologies and fuel cycle technologies
Non-power applications of nuclear energy
Alternative power engineering technologies
Radioactive waste management
Nuclear power in different countries
New materials
Research reactors
Nuclear instrumentation engineering
Additive technologies
Research and development in nuclear science and technology
Digitalization and artificial intelligence
Improved nuclear energy planning tools for technology assessment
The web-site gives brief reports. Full reports can be received upon request
Analytical reports 2022
Nuclear desalination and heat supply
- Retrospective of the development of nuclear desalination and heat supply;
- Description of current developments in the field of nuclear desalination and heat supply;
- Software methods used in global practice for evaluating economic indicators of desalination, including with the involvement of nuclear power generation;
- Preliminary cost-economic assessments of the cost of desalinated water and thermal energy obtained using nuclear power generation.
Trends in the development of nuclear power, industry and science in the People's Republic of China
- Organizational structure of China’s nuclear industry
China’s reactor fleet
China’s nuclear fuel cycle
China’s nuclear export projects
Nuclear R&D in China
Russian-Chinese cooperation in nuclear field
Trends in the development of nuclear power and nuclear industry in the Latin America and the Caribbean region
Energy sector in LAC
Overview of nuclear power and NFC development status in LAC
Nuclear R&D in the region
Prospects of nuclear power and industry development in the region
Competition in the regional market of nuclear technologies
International cooperation projects in the field of atomic energy as a tool for achieving the strategic goals of the Russian Federation
- Joint design, construction and operation projects for experimental and pilot demonstration facilities;
- Technological cooperation projects in the field of next-generation nuclear energy technologies;
- Projects in the field of ensuring the sustainability of the nuclear fuel cycle;
- Assessment of the impact of international projects on the development of nuclear energy in Russia and worldwide;
- Promotion of Russian national interests through international projects.
Promising reactor technologies in the International Forum «Generation IV»
- Retrospective development and current structure of the International Forum "Generation IV";
- Features of Generation IV reactor technologies and implemented reactor projects;
- Experimental basis for the development of Generation IV reactors;
- Qualitative assessment and comparison of reactor technologies;
- National programs for the development of Generation IV reactor technologies and interaction with international organizations.
Thermodynamic cycles of high temperature nuclear power installations
- Applications and selection criteria for nuclear power plants of various types;
- Thermal efficiency as the degree of cycle efficiency;
- Rankine cycle and prospects for its development - transition to supercritical steam conditions;
- Brayton cycle and prospects for its development - application of CO2 at supercritical parameters;
- Direct energy conversion cycles;
- Key characteristics and comparative analysis of thermodynamic cycles for space nuclear power plants.
Experimental base of foreign nuclear power
Information systems and databases of the OECD NEA
- Information systems and databases of technological and operational data;
- Electronic reference books and interactive databases of physical data;
- Recommendations for Russian specialists on the use of information systems and databases;
- Prospects for information exchange in new conditions.
Analytical reports 2021
Promising sources of expanding the resource base of nuclear power
Uranium reserves status and sufficiency forecast
Resource base extension due to non-conventional and secondary uranium sources
- Use of plutonium and thorium in NFC
Hybrid reactors as an additional source for the extension of resource base of 233U and 239Pu
Trends in the development of nuclear power and nuclear industry in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)
Overview of nuclear power and NFC development status in MENA countries
Nuclear energy research in the region
Outlook of nuclear power and industry development in the region
Competition in the regional market of nuclear technologies
Perspective fuel of research reactors
Fuel for thermal neutron research reactors (RR)
Fuel of high-flux RR
Conversion of research reactors from HEU to LEU
Outlook of RR fuel
Мedium-power nuclear power plants
Analysis of medium power NPP from the point of view of equipment, economy and safety
Advantages and disadvantages of domestic and foreign medium power NPP projects
Requirements of potential medium power NPP market
Radioisotope autonomous power sources
Potential applications and consumers of APS
Overview of the status of betavoltaic APS market
Practical competencies of ROSATOM organizations
Recommendations for the commercialization of radioisotope APS
Critical minerals and materials for Industry 4.0: specifics of manufacturing and application prospects at global markets
Strategic and critical minerals and materials
Rare earth elements
Rare and disseminated minerals, high-purity substances for industry 4.0
Development of critical materials production abroad
Outlook for the production and use of critical materials in Russia
Fuel of power water-water reactors with enhanced resistance to accidents: scientific aspects, research directions and current state
Physical and chemical characteristics of zirconium as the basic structural material of the core of light water power reactors
Accidents related to physical and chemical characteristics of zirconium
Areas of developments in Russia and abroad
Analysis and assessment of tolerant fuel development
Information systems and databases of IAEA
Information resources of the United Nations
Science and technology data and information in the field of peaceful atomic energy use
International nuclear information exchange
Non-Russian software tools for technical and economic modelling of nuclear energy systems
Brief descriptions of 20 foreign and international TEM NES software solutions
Assessment of availability of foreign TEM NES software solutions to Russian experts
Relevant areas of TEM NES software development
Comparison of Advanced Nuclear Fuel Cycle Options using the Multi-Criteria Analysis Framework: Review and Reevaluation of the US Department of Energy Study on Nuclear Fuel Cycle Evaluation and Screening
A review of the U.S. Department of Energy's study on the assessment and selection of advanced nuclear fuel cycles
Specifics of multi-criteria assessment: key assumptions
Re-assessment and refinement of results of the original study based on alternative methods
The results of cross-verification of software tools for technical and economic modelling of nuclear energy systems
Results of computational analysis of tests for cross-verification of TEM NES software
Calculation and comparison of material and economic parameters
Summary results of the analysis of computational differences and their reasons
Analytical reports 2020
Analysis of the technical and organizational causes of the most significant accidents in the history of nuclear power
Severe accidents in the period of the development of nuclear technologies based on the international INES scale
Timeline, causes and real consequences of the three major accidents in the history of global nuclear power
Key role of human factor in the occurrence and progression of accidents at nuclear facilities
Findings and solutions to reduce a negative public acceptance of nuclear technologies
The governance structure and development trends of nuclear power and industry in India
System of the governance of nuclear industry
Three-stage nuclear power development program
Status of nuclear power and nuclear fuel cycle development
Science and technology policy and R&D management
Outlook of the Russian-Indian cooperation
Technical and economic aspects of nuclear research reactors utilisation for the innovative development of nuclear energy and applied research
Research reactor (RR) state-of-the-art in Russia and over the world
RR for nuclear power and other applications
RR development and operation costs
Future of RR
Utilisation options analysis of foreign Centers for Nuclear Science and Technology for effective interaction with the customer
Modern trends in the establishment of Nuclear Science and Technology Centers (NSTC) in newcomer countries
Areas of NSTC use for research and applied purposes
Forming research programs of NSTC
Proposals for interaction with foreign customers
Advanced Reactor Technologies for Minor Actinides Utilization
Overview of approaches to transmutation of minor actinides (MA) abroad
Domestic promising areas of MA transmutation
Multi-criteria assessment and benchmarking of domestic MA transmutation technologies
Analysis of maturity of Russian MA partitioning technologies
Feasibility studies on the promising direction of scientific and technological development «Hydrogen energy»
Hydrogen production using existing and promising methods
Global hydrogen consumption forecast
Options of nuclear and hydrogen power development in Russia
Economic appraisal of the competitiveness of hydrogen produced using nuclear energy
Solutions for the areas of further development of feasibility studies
Measures of state support for hydrogen power
Decommissioning of nuclear facilities: markets, economics, strategies and technology prospects
Overview of the status of decommissioning activities worldwide
Strategies and approaches to decommissioning facilities
Science and technology policy and R&D management in decommissioning
Export of decommissioning technologies and services to foreign markets
Software tools for techno-economic modelling, analysis and assessment of nuclear energy systems and their components: Catalogue
Analytical reports 2019
International practices and methodologies for innovative research and development management in large foreign high-technology corporations and governmental bodies in the field of nuclear energy application
R&D and innovation management system in the USA, France, China
Methods and practices of R&D project management in major corporations
Approaches to the performance assessment of research projects
Proposals for the adaptation of best practices in R&D management in ROSATOM
Approaches, methods and tools for multi-criteria decision support in the nuclear industry: a state-of-the-art review of international experience and best practices
Multi-criteria analysis (MCA) for engineering, technical and management decisions
Key stages and brief description of MCA
Examples of MCA use in practice in benchmarking of main energy technologies
Examples of MCA use in practice in the selection of strategic options for the development of nuclear energy systems and fuel cycles
Management structure and trends in the development of national nuclear energy and industry of China
Structure of the govemance of nuclear industry in China
Nuclear power industry and nuclear fuel cycle of China
Trends and forecasts of the development of national nuclear power engineering and industry of China
Feasibility study on the export capabilities of BN technology
A retrospective of sodium fast reactor technology in the world
Status of SFR development programs
Export potential of SFR technology
Export of services based on in-house SFR fleet
Technical and Economic Aspects of Small Modular Reactor Projects
Benchmarking of 92 foreign and domestic SMR projects
Effects of scale, serial production and reactor technology on SMR economy
Requirements of potential SMR markets − network and out-of-network
Criteria-based approach to image-making of an "ideal" SMR