Employees of the Center represent the Russian Federation in cooperation projects and coordinated IAEA research projects in the following subjects:
benchmarking of options of nuclear energy systems;
energy planning and technical-economic modeling of scenarios of nuclear power systems development;
economic assessment of SNPP projects and scenarios for the sustainable deployment of small modular reactors;
promoting the use of INPRO/IAEA analytical tools in ROSATOM organizations;
interaction with the International Nuclear Library Network (INLN).
The Сenter's employees represent the Russian Federation in working and expert groups under the auspices of the NEA/OECD in the following thematic areas:
advanced reactor systems, cogeneration nuclear power systems;
energy market needs, non-electric applications of nuclear power sources;
economic aspects of nuclear power;
system modeling of scenarios with advanced fuel cycles;
assessment of nuclear data, experimental nuclear databases;
experimental databases for nuclear safety, reactor physics, and post-radiation experiments;
interaction with NEA/OECD Data Bank.
To collect up-to-date information on advanced science and technology developments and the world market of nuclear technologies, and to present materials prepared by CARD, the Center staff regularly participates in international conferences, forums and seminars under the auspices of IAEA, NEA/OECD and other international organizations on the following subjects:
advanced reactor technologies (International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles, FR; HTR Conference etc.);
small nuclear power plants (Generation VI & Small Reactors, G4SR; IFNEC webinars on SMR etc.);
research reactors (European Research Reactor Conference);
nuclear fuel cycle technologies (World Nuclear Fuel Cycle, WNFC; International Conference on Nuclear Fuel Cycle, GLOBAL, etc.);
technology forecasting and foresight (Foresight and Science, Technology and Innovation Policy) and other topics.
Material archives and event reports are systematized and further used in the Center's analytical activities. The materials are available for interested persons upon request.