
Private Enterprise for Nuclear Industry
Scientific Development “Science and Innovations”

About company

Science and Innovations Private Institution is responsible for scientific, analytical, and information development of organizations of the nuclear power complex and manages research, development, and technology programs and projects of nuclear companies.
Our experts analyze the state and prospects of research, development and commercialization of promising high-tech technologies and innovative products of energy complex, their justification within the framework of federal target programs, and cross-departmental projects. Based on the study of global best practices in R&D management, our experts develop proposals to improve and enhance the effectiveness of innovation management activities.  
We support the development of scientific and business partnerships of research institutes and centers, interact with the Russian Academy of Sciences, higher educational institutions, Russian and foreign scientific foundations. We are actively involved in the organization of industry development programs for scientists and formation of the scientist candidate pool for nuclear companies. We coordinate ROSATOM's participation in the Decade of Science and Technology in the Russian Federation.